Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Happy New Year!!

Hi, Everyone! Linda and I would like to wish each of you a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!! -T-

This Thursday: “Program Builder” Webinar for Licensed Trainers Only

Hi, Everyone — Greetings to our Licensed ChangeWorks®, MasterStream® and Pride-Based Leadership Trainers! On this Thursday’s webinar, December 15 at 11AM Eastern, our focus will be: “Program Builder: Design & Delivery” Exclusively intended for our team of Licensed ChangeWorks®, MasterStream® and Pride-Based Leadership® Trainers, this series explores the many ways that core course content and various exercises can […]

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to our family of ChangeWorks® Professionals! T and Linda

Merry Christmas

We are grateful that you are part of the ChangeWorks® team — and T and I, Steven and James wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2014! To see all of the crazy pics we took in order to get the one above check out this link: